by DrinkWhen | Jul 17, 2021
A Quiet Place II Drinking Game Drink When There’s sign language There’s a loud sound You see an oxygen tank 📦 You see the hearing aid You hear the high-pitched frequency “The people that are left, they’re not the kind of people worth...
by DrinkWhen | Apr 15, 2019
The Silence Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Vesp” There’s narration The Vesps make a sound An iPhone or iPad is used 📱 There’s a shot of the Vesps in the sky “It’s like we’re back in the dark ages.” –...
by DrinkWhen | Dec 28, 2018
Bird Box Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Birds” Anyone says “Blindfold” You hear or see the birds 🐥 You see through the blindfold They speak under a blanket There’s an overhead view of the river 🏞 Someone dies “Never take...