by DrinkWhen | Oct 7, 2023
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Antikythera” Anyone says “Dial” You see the Dial Anyone drinks 🥃 Indy uses his whip The Indiana Jones theme music kicks in EXTREME VERSION: Add “Indy” for...
by DrinkWhen | Sep 22, 2022
The Mummy Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Egypt/ian” Anyone says “Book” Anyone says “Hamunaptra” You see the key You see bugs 🦂 Gunfire begins 💥 “I only gamble with my life, never my money.“ – Rick...
by DrinkWhen | May 4, 2022
Uncharted Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Sully” Anyone says “Crap” or “Shit” Nate climbs or swings There’s a location card You see a lighter 🔥 You see a postcard You see a map 🗺 “Nuns. Why is it always...
by DrinkWhen | Jun 30, 2020
National Treasure Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Declaration” Anyone says “Free Masons” ⛏ A historical figure is name-dropped A clue is solved The Declaration changes hands EXTREME VERSION: Add “Treasure” for an additional...
by DrinkWhen | Jul 25, 2018
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Dr. Jones” Anyone says “Skull” 💀 Anyone says “Ox/ley” There’s a reference to Indy’s age Mutt combs his hair The Indiana Jones theme...
by DrinkWhen | Mar 22, 2018
Tomb Raider Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Lara” Anyone says “Sprout” Anyone says “Himiko” 💀 Lara finds a clue or solves a puzzle There’s a flashback You see the Patna logo “Well, we’re not dead yet.”...
by DrinkWhen | Mar 7, 2018
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Lara” Anyone says “Alignment” You see the clock 🕰 You see the All-Seeing Eye There’s a reference to Lara’s father “This is where I start to have fun.” –...
by DrinkWhen | Oct 23, 2017
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Dr. Jones” Anyone says “Rock / Stone” Willie Scott screams Indy uses his whip The Indiana Jones theme music kicks in EXTREME VERSION: Add “Indy: for an additional...
by DrinkWhen | Oct 23, 2017
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Grail” Anyone says “Junior” You see the Diary 📜 Indy performs his iconic one-punch knockout The Indiana Jones theme music kicks in EXTREME VERSION: Add “Dad”...