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Category: Hannibal

Fresh (2022) Drinking Game

Fresh (2022) Drinking Game
Fresh Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Noa” Anyone drinks 🍷 Anyone eats  Anyone kisses  There’s a music cue 🎧 You see a piece of “meat” 🍖 😰   “It’s about giving. Giving yourself over to somebody. Becoming one with...

Killing Eve Drinking Game

Killing Eve Drinking Game
Killing Eve Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Eve” Anyone says “Villanelle” Anyone is killed 🔪 Eve touches or fixes her hair Villanelle wears a disguise or themed outfit 👓 You see a location card The Killing Eve theme music plays  ...

The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Drinking Game

The Silence of the Lambs (1991) Drinking Game
The Silence of the Lambs Drinking Game Drink When Someone says “Clarice” Someone says “Starling” You see a moth or a butterfly Hannibal looks directly into the camera / your soul   “Believe me, you don’t want Hannibal Lecter inside...