by DrinkWhen | Jul 25, 2023
Barbie Drinking Game Drink When Anyone eats or drinks Horses are referenced 🐎 Narration begins A song begins Barbie wears a new outfit 💙 EXTREME VERSION: Add “Ken” for an additional 50+ drinks 💗 EXTREME EXTREME VERSION: Add “Barbie” for an...
by DrinkWhen | Jan 8, 2023
White Noise Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Baba/ette” Anyone says “Dylar” There’s a break in the dialogue 😅 More than one character speaks at the same time Stephanie asks a question ❓ “But out of some persistent sense of...
by DrinkWhen | Jan 4, 2021
Frances Ha Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Undateable” Anyone dances Anyone drinks Anyone smokes 🚬 You see food 🥓 There’s a location title 🌃 EXTREME VERSION: Add “Frances” for an additional 25+ drinks “I’m not messy,...
by DrinkWhen | Jan 15, 2020
Marriage Story Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “New York” Anyone says “LA” or “Los Angeles” Broadway is mentioned 🎭 Anyone cries 😥 There’s a perspective switch EXTREME VERSION: Add “Charlie” for an additional...
by DrinkWhen | Jan 15, 2020
Little Women Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “March” Anyone mentions “Marriage” Jo writes or reads 📝📖 Amy draws or paints 🎨 There’s a time jump EXTREME VERSION: Add “Laurie” for an additional 30+ drinks EXTREMELY EXTREME...
by DrinkWhen | Jan 8, 2018
Lady Bird Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Lady Bird” 🐞 Anyone says “Danny” or “Kyle” Anyone mentions Sacramento Anyone mentions college(s) Lady Bird fights with her mother “People go by the names their parents give them,...
by DrinkWhen | Sep 15, 2016
The Mindy Project Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Doctor” Anyone says “Mindy” There’s a celebrity name drop A group is standing at the reception desk Mindy is lying on the floor Something racist or prejudiced is said Texting is on...