by DrinkWhen | Aug 4, 2020
Apocalypse Now Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Kurtz” Anyone drinks or does drugs 🥃 Anyone smokes 🚬 There’s narration You see photographs 🖼 There’s extreme sweat 😓 EXTREME VERSION: Add “Captain” for an additional 40+ drinks ...
by DrinkWhen | Jul 17, 2020
Greyhound Drinking Game Drink When The Captain uses the phone 📞 Food or coffee is served to the Captain 🥞 🥓☕️ You see through the binoculars A U-Boat emerges or dives Torpedo 🚀 EXTREME VERSION: Add “Greyhound” for an additional 45+ drinks ...
by DrinkWhen | Jun 3, 2020
Saving Private Ryan Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Captain” Anyone says “FUBAR” Anyone is sniped 🎯 Anyone cries 😢 Anyone tries to surrender 🏳️ The Captain’s hand shakes 👋 EXTREME VERSION: Add “Ryan” for an additional...
by DrinkWhen | Feb 7, 2020
1917 Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “German(s)” Anyone says “Devons” / “Devonshire” You see dead animals You see rats Blake or Schofield run You think you spot a cut 🎬 “They’re walking into a trap. Your orders...