by DrinkWhen | Dec 20, 2021
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid Drinking Game Drink When PICK BETWEEN: Anyone says “Pat/Garrett” OR “Billy/Kid” Anyone drinks 🥃 An animal is harmed 🐔😥 You see blood A Bob Dylan song begins 🎼 “This country’s getting old and I aim to...
by DrinkWhen | Aug 20, 2020
butch cassidy and the sundance kid Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Butch” Anyone says “Bolivia” Anyone asks “Who are those guys?” Anyone drinks 🍺 You see the posse following in the distance 🐎🐎🐎 Burt Bacharach’s score...
by DrinkWhen | Aug 30, 2017
Bone Tomahawk Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Sherriff” You hear the Troglodytes call Anyone drinks Anyone puts a hat on Someone dies EXTREME VERSION: Add any gunshot for 40+ drinks “This is why frontier life is so difficult. Not because of...