by DrinkWhen | Mar 7, 2022
The Batman Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Wayne” Anyone says “Riddle/r” A riddle or clue is solved ❓ Batman walks in 🦇 Narration begins You see Gotham City 🏙 You see the bat signal or rooftop light 🔦 “They think I am hiding in...
by DrinkWhen | May 24, 2020
Blade Runner Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Deckard” Anyone says “Tyrell” Anyone drinks or smokes 🥃🚬 There’s a gunshot You see flying cars You see a photograph Deckard is beaten up 🤕 “Sushi. That’s what my ex-wife...
by DrinkWhen | Apr 12, 2020
Batman & Robin Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Gotham” 🌃 Anyone says “Alfred” Anyone is frozen ❄️ Ivy’s love potion is used 🌱 There’s a butt shot 🍑 There’s an ice-related pun ❄️ EXTREME VERSION: Add...
by DrinkWhen | Mar 28, 2020
Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Joker” or “Mr J” 🤡 Anyone says or you see the “Diamond” 💎 Anyone drinks 🍸🍹 A name card pops up You see a Harley Quinn business...
by DrinkWhen | Oct 11, 2019
Joker Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Wayne” Arthur dances Arthur laughs 🤡 Lights begin to flicker The news or a TV program is on EXTREME VERSION: Add in “Arthur” for an additional 30+ drinks “I used to think that my life was a...
by DrinkWhen | Sep 19, 2018
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Batman” Anyone says “Bruce” You see Bruce’s parents above the mantel You see a photograph There’s a jump forward or back in time “Vengeance blackens the soul,...
by DrinkWhen | May 22, 2018
The Dark Knight Rises Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Dent” Anyone says “Bane” Anyone says “Gotham” You see the Bat symbol You see the Gotham city skyline 🌃 EXTREME VERSION: Add in “Wayne” for an additional 50+...
by DrinkWhen | May 21, 2018
The Dark Knight Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Dent” Anyone says “Gotham” Dent flips his coin Someone gets killed You see the Gotham city skyline 🌃 EXTREME VERSION: Add in “Batman” for an additional 40+ drinks “Some men...