2018 Oscars Drinking Game

Drink When
- The camera cuts to the loser(s)
- Music cuts off a speech 🎼
- Anyone mentions the #MeToo movement
- Anyone uses their speaking time for a cause
- There’s a montage
- They cut to commercials
EXTREME VERSION: Add in anytime an Oscar is announced 🏆
“I knew I would screw this show up, I really did. I promise I’ll never come back.”
– Jimmy Kimmel 2018 Oscars drinking game host

This giant Hollywood spectacle can get a bit dry in the middle, so we’re here to help! Hosted once again by Jimmy Kimmel, we can expect a good deal of the night to focus on the sexual misconduct allegations that have rocked Hollywood and the entertainment industry recently. And then, if there’s time, they’ll probably throw in a few shots at President Donald Trump – without ever mentioning his name. And if you find yourselves envying the glamorous celebrities in attendance, keep in mind that no alcohol is served at this event. So grab your favourite drink, sit back with our 2018 Oscars Drinking Game, and enjoy the one thing they can’t!