by DrinkWhen | Oct 31, 2021
Army of Thieves Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Götterdämmerung” Anyone speaks in another language Anyone cracks a code/safe You see inside a safe ⚙️ You see stylized words on screen You see zombies “It’s not just about the money…...
by DrinkWhen | May 22, 2021
Army of the Dead Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Zombie” Anyone speaks another language Slow-motion begins A song begins A crew member dies A zombie screeches “You all keep talking about the city like it’s their prison. It’s not....
by DrinkWhen | Mar 2, 2020
Zombieland: Double Tap Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Zombie” or “Zombieland” Anyone says “Elvis” or “The King” Anyone enters a vehicle Berkeley plays guitar 🎸 Words flash across the screen “When you love...
by DrinkWhen | Dec 28, 2018
Bird Box Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Birds” Anyone says “Blindfold” You hear or see the birds 🐥 You see through the blindfold They speak under a blanket There’s an overhead view of the river 🏞 Someone dies “Never take...
by DrinkWhen | May 19, 2018
Cargo Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Rosie” Anyone says “Thoomi” There’s a shot of the landscape You see a buried head You see slime There’s a gunshot “I don’t think normal’s on the horizon.” –...
by DrinkWhen | May 7, 2017
Zombieland Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Twinkie” A rule flashes across the screen They break something Anyone drinks or smokes EXTREME VERSION: Add “Zombie” for an additional 35+ drinks “Time to nut up or shut up!”...
by DrinkWhen | Feb 16, 2017
Santa Clarita Diet Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Abby” Anyone says “Joel” Anyone says “Fuck” Sheila eats Joel gives an extreme toothy grin Sheila or Abby do something spontaneous “It’s probably my new diet. I’ve been...
by DrinkWhen | Oct 16, 2016
The Walking Dead Drinking Game Drink When Someone says “Rick” Someone says “Carl” Someone says “Walker” (OR alternative: Roamer, Biter, Lame-Brain etc.) A base / destination is said (CDC, Prison, Woodbury, Terminus, Alexandria,...