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Category: James Kirk

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Drinking Game

Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) Drinking Game
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Enterprise” It’s noted how far away V’ger is You see the full exterior of the Enterprise There’s a slow, lingering shot of the Enterprise You see the electricity cloud 🌩...

Star Trek: The Next Generation Drinking Game

Star Trek: The Next Generation Drinking Game
Star Trek: The Next Generation Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Enterprise” Anyone touches their communicator Anyone is beamed or transported There’s a ship log You see the exterior of the Enterprise You see the Picard Maneuver EXTREME...

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Drinking Game

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Drinking Game
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Drinking Game Drink When Someone says “Khan” Someone says “Genesis” Someone makes reference to “logic” or being “logical” You see the exterior of the Enterprise or the Reliant Khan quotes...