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Category: 50s

Sleeping Beauty (1959) Drinking Game

Sleeping Beauty (1959) Drinking Game
Sleeping Beauty Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says (Briar) “Rose” Anyone says “Phillip” Anyone says “Maleficent” You see the castle   “Now, father, you’re living in the past. This is the 14th century!” – Prince...

Peter Pan (1953) Drinking Game

Peter Pan (1953) Drinking Game
Peter Pan Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Peter Pan” Growing up is mentioned There’s racism Someone crushes on Peter Pan A girl is jealous over Pan   “This ain’t no place for a respectable pirate.” – Mr....

Alice in Wonderland (1951) Drinking Game

Alice in Wonderland (1951) Drinking Game
Alice in Wonderland Drinking Game Drink When Anyone says “Curious” Anyone says “Rabbit” 🐰 Alice changes size Alice thinks about home or Dana A song begins 🎧   “Better look first, for if one drinks much from a bottle marked...